What are the requirement for working in Ireland
If you are a citizen of a non-EEA country, you may not have automatic permission to work in Ireland. You may need to obtain a Work Permit or a Green Card Permit to work. According to the Department of Jobs, Enterprise and Innovation citizens of non-EEA countries who do not require Employment Permits include:
• a non-EEA national who has obtained explicit permission from the Department of Justice and Equality to remain resident and employed in the State
• a non-EEA national who has been granted refugee status
• a non-EEA national who holds appropriate business permission to operate a business in the State
• a non-EEA national who is a registered student working less than 20 hours a week
• Swiss nationals.
Employment Permit System
Permission to take up employment in Ireland
There are two things you need to consider before taking up employment in Ireland; Employment Permit and Visa. For both employment permits and visas, in most cases, you must secure an offer of employment first with an employer who is willing to support you through this process.
Types of Permits
There are a number of different types of employment permits and they are specific to the type of job on offer and also the duration of the contract.
Critical Skills Employment Permit
This permit is used to help attract highly skilled workers in demand in Ireland and puts the least onus on the employer to show a need to offer an employment permit. In order to be eligible for this type of employment permit, the job should be listed on the highly skilled eligible occupations list available at the following link:
General Employment Permit
For all other jobs not on the highly skilled eligible occupations list, there is the General Employment Permit. Typically, the salary must be €30,000 or more and the employer must have carried out a labour market test.
Dependent/Partner/Spouse Employment permit
These permits are for dependents, partners or spouses of employment permit holder and the criteria is much more relaxed. The most important things to consider when applying for this type of permit is to ensure that your proposed employer will wait for the permit to be processed and to have satisfactory details of the main employment permit holder.
What else do I need to work in Ireland
You should have a Personal Public Service (PPS) number. Your PPS number is a unique reference number which your employer uses to make the required tax and social insurance contributions on your behalf. You also use your PPS number when accessing social welfare and health benefits.
How do I apply for a PPS Number?
You apply through the Department of Social Protection. Not all social welfare offices issue PPS numbers so you should contact your local social welfare office go to ‘Contact Us’ on www.welfare.ie.
What do I need in order to apply for a PPS Number
In order to receive a PPS number, you will need to fill out an application form and provide proof of your identity. You will need to produce the following documents:
• Your passport or immigration card
• Evidence of your address in Ireland, for example, household bill (ESB, telephone, gas) or a rental agreement in your name.
How long will it take to get a PPS Number?
Usually 10 working days from the date you applied
Thanks to the moderating effect of the Atlantic Gulf Stream, Ireland’s climate is relatively mild for its latitude, with a mean annual temperature of around 10°C. The temperature drops below freezing only intermittently during winter, and snow is scarce- perhaps one or two brief flurries a year. The coldest months are January and February, where daily temperatures ranges from 4° to 8°C, with 7°C the average. In summer, temperatures during the day are a comfortable 15° to 20°C.
During the warmest months, July and August, the average is 16°C. A hot summer’s day in Ireland is 22° to 24°C, although it can sometimes reach 30°C. There are about 18 hours of daylight daily during July and August and it’s only truly dark after about 11pm. Ireland receives quite a bit of rain, with the wettest months being December and January.
I am looking farm work. Where should I start
- Fill out Farm Solutions own application form by clicking here or
- Submit your CV by emailing it to recruitmentmanager@farmsolutions.ie